Free Media is a strong supporter of Democracy and it plays an important role in influencing the public opinion during elections self discipline of print and Electronic media help a lot in imparting electoral information. Electioneering has changed a lot during recent years. Election campaigns involve money and muscle power People have grown apathy towards elections. It is no more a fair proposition. The electronic media consists of web sites, Blogs, E-mail and other means. Media can play a vital role as a public educator to strengthen Democracy in our country.
Changing Trends Of Election Campaign In Democratic Countries
Educational & Competition Exams,
Editors: Dr. Nirmala Singh, Dr. Shailbala Gandhi, Dr. Poonam Kaiushik, Mr. Rishikesh Kumar Gautam
media important role, social networking in our lives, essay on media, impact of social networks in our daily life, impact of social media on our social life, Changing Trends Of Election Campaign In Democratic Countries
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Minimum Purchase: ₹999
Format: | Paperback |
ISBN No. | 9788193327814 |
Publication date: | 04 Apr 2017 |
Publisher: | Rigi Publication |
Publication City/Country: | India |
Language: | English |
Book Pages: | 540 |
Book Size: | 5.5" x 8.5" |
Book Interior: |