This Book is intended to discuss about various graphs and graph labeling. The book is split into four chapters. In this book different graph labelings namely Graceful labeling, Harmonious Labeling, cordial labeling, Prime Cordial Labeling, Product Cordial Labeling, divisor cordial labeling, Fibonacci Graceful Labeling, Fibonacci Divisor Cordial Labeling, Fibonacci cordial labeling, H2-cordial labeling, 3-equitable labeling, Vertex equitable Labeling, Odd Graceful labeling have been discussed with examples.

Various Graph Labeling Techniques
Educational & Competition Exams,
labeled graph, x and y axis, x axis, legend examples, graph axis, x axis and y axis, x and y axis graph, x axis y axis, vertical axis,
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Minimum Purchase: ₹1,600
Format: | Paperback , Ebook |
ISBN No. | 9789384314125 |
Publication date: | 13 Sep 2016 |
Publisher: | Rigi Publication |
Publication City/Country: | India |
Language: | English |
Book Pages: | 56 |
Book Size: | 5.5" x 8.5" |
Book Interior: | Black & white interior with white paper (Premium Quality) |
This Book is intended to discuss about various graphs and graph labeling. The book is split into four chapters. In this book different graph labelings namely Graceful labeling, Harmonious Labeling, cordial labeling, Prime Cordial Labeling, Product Cordial Labeling, divisor cordial labeling, Fibonacci Graceful Labeling, Fibonacci Divisor Cordial Labeling, Fibonacci cordial labeling, H2-cordial labeling, 3-equitable labeling, Vertex equitable Labeling, Odd Graceful labeling have been discussed with examples.