“Friendship With The Thorns” Novel is based on an incident that happens in our society on daily basis. We live in a modern era and everyone has a full right to live life on their terms. Why only a girl feel suffocated in the society. This is a big question and needs early answer. Girls should be treat like a human not like an animal. We should stand up for her and make this world a better place to live.

Friendship With The Thorns
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(50% off)
Minimum Purchase: ₹1,340
Format: | Paperback |
ISBN No. | 9789384314576 |
Publication date: | 16 Jun 2016 |
Publisher: | Rigi Publication |
Publication City/Country: | India |
Language: | English |
Book Pages: | 116 |
Book Size: | 5.5" x 8.5" |
Book Interior: |