This book is designed to introduce the students to the concept of Neurotic disorder. The text focuses the definition, etiology, clinical manifestations, medical management and multi interventional approach to care effectively for neurotic patients in holistic way. it is in a simple language and handy in size. It explains the important aspects of nursing interventions. It is useful for undergraduates Nursing Students.

Hand Book Of Neurotic Disorder
Educational & Competition Exams,
Neurotic disorder, book on NEUROTIC, book on neurology, neurology books, medical management neurology, NEUROTIC books
(12% off)
Minimum Purchase: ₹1,340
Format: | Paperback |
ISBN No. | 9789391041458 |
Publication date: | 16 Dec 2022 |
Publisher: | Rigi Publication |
Publication City/Country: | India |
Language: | English |
Book Pages: | 50 |
Book Size: | 5.5" x 8.5" |
Book Interior: |