Prepare for SSC CGL Exam, SSC CHSL Exam, NDA, CDS, UPSSSC PET, and all other competitive exams with ease using "NO 1 MCQ CURRENT AFFAIRS 2021 JAN TO JUNE." This comprehensive guide features 238 essential multiple-choice questions and answers covering the most important current affairs from January to June 2021.

No 1 Mcq Current Affairs 2021 Jan To June
Educational & Competition Exams,
Prepare for SSC CGL Exam, SSC CHSL Exam, NDA, CDS, UPSSSC PET, and all other competitive exams with ease using "NO 1 MCQ CURRENT AFFAIRS 2021 JAN TO JUNE." This comprehensive guide features 238 essential multiple-choice questions and answers covering the most important current affairs from January to June 2021.
(22% off)
Minimum Purchase: ₹999
Format: | Ebook |
ISBN No. | N/A |
Publication date: | 12 Nov 2021 |
Publisher: | Rigi Publication |
Publication City/Country: | India |
Language: | Hindi |
Book Pages: | 68 |
Book Size: | 5.5" x 8.5" |
Book Interior: |
Abhishek Mishra is a seasoned educator and expert in competitive exam preparation. With years of experience in guiding aspirants for various government job exams, including SSC, NDA, CDS, and more, Abhishek brings valuable insights and knowledge to his publications. His dedication to helping students excel in their exams is evident in the meticulous selection and organization of content in "NO 1 MCQ CURRENT AFFAIRS 2021 JAN TO JUNE." Abhishek's expertise and commitment make him a trusted name among aspirants seeking success in competitive exams.