Embark on a journey through space and time with "7O'7" by R. Sathia Narayanan. This unique narrative begins with the countdown of a spaceship, delving into the significance of zero as the starting point. Beyond mathematics, the book offers insights into our planet, emphasizing the concept of the Blue Planet and the evolution of global cities. Set in the year 2116 A.D., the story promises an enthralling exploration of futuristic possibilities.
Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction, Supernatural,
Embark on a journey through space and time with "7O'7" by R. Sathia Narayanan. This unique narrative begins with the countdown of a spaceship, delving into the significance of zero as the starting point. Beyond mathematics, the book offers insights into our planet, emphasizing the concept of the Blue Planet and the evolution of global cities. Set in the year 2116 A.D., the story promises an enthralling exploration of futuristic possibilities.
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Minimum Purchase: ₹1,340
Format: | Paperback , Ebook |
ISBN No. | 9789386447050 |
Publication date: | 28 Apr 2017 |
Publisher: | Rigi Publication |
Publication City/Country: | India |
Language: | English |
Book Pages: | 104 |
Book Size: | 5.5" x 8.5" |
Book Interior: | Black & white interior with white paper |
R. Sathia Narayanan brings a diverse background in mathematics and storytelling to "7O'7." With a passion for blending science and fiction, Narayanan aims to inspire readers to think beyond conventional boundaries.