'My Journey from Science to Spirituality' is an absorbing book. It is not only based upon the personal experiences of the author but also his provocative thoughts. In this book the author has tried to answer many age old questions about God, Soul, Religion and purpose of life. Its pages present a panorama of his views on the topics related to synthesis of science and spirituality for the well- being of human race. His vision, deep rooted understanding and spiritual knowledge help in clarifying many doubts related to life and death. His search of truth finds an eloquent expression in this book. The book also includes several articles written by the author which have been published in various newspapers and magazines. His ideas are not only stimulating but also spiritually fulfilling. The seekers of truth will find the book fascinating and an eye opener.

My Journey From Science To Spirituality
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Minimum Purchase: ₹1,340
Format: | Paperback , Ebook |
ISBN No. | 9789386447470 |
Publication date: | 20 Feb 2018 |
Publisher: | Rigi Publication |
Publication City/Country: | India |
Language: | English |
Book Pages: | 118 |
Book Size: | 5" x 8" |
Book Interior: |