Ternary Digital System: Concepts and Applications: Ternary digital system is commonly known as three valued digital system. Three valued logic is an elementary set of Multiple Valued Logic, which is introduced in the book at the beginning. The book provides a detail overview of every concept required for the design and applications of ternary circuits. It covers the basic concepts for ternary logic fundamentals, ternary logic gates, its logic gate truth tables, Boolean rules for ternary logic up to ternary logic families, function synthesis and minimization techniques and an applications like one trit T-ALU, Two trit T-ALU Slice, Ternary R-S and D memory elements and an analog to ternary converter for DSP application as a fundamental block are developed and simulated using EDA tool. Finally computer simulation using EDA (Electronic Design Automation) tools like Tanner, spice and VHDL is also illustrated. In the first half of 19 th century G. Boolean have proposed the Algebra for two valued (Binary logic) system after that Shanon has expressed the behavior of electrical switches in terms of Boolean algebra and he paved the ramp to an industrial development that is recognized as initiating one of the most revolutionary economic changes ever. MVL is also known as Multi-Valued, Multiple-Valued or Many-Valued logic. Multi-Value logic is regarded as a switch with more than two states. Such as a 3- value switch with states ‘0’, ‘1’ and ‘2’. Or a 4-value switch with states ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘2’ and ‘3’. In case of 3-Valued logic the term ternary logic is used & term quaternary logic for 4-Valued logic. Alexander (1964) showed that the most efficient radix for implementation of switching systems is the natural base (e ≈2.71828), it seems likely that the best integral radix is 3 rather than 2.It should be noted that this book emphasis on Ternary logic with concepts and applications. The fundamental work on Multiple Valued Logic (MVL) System was done by E L Post in the beginning of 19th centuries and based on that work P C Rosen Bloom modeled the Algebra for MVL is called Post Algebra.

Ternary Digital System Concepts & Applications
Ternary Digital System Concepts & Applications
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Minimum Purchase: ₹999
Format: | |
ISBN No. | N/A |
Publication date: | 07 Mar 2022 |
Publisher: | Rigi Publication |
Publication City/Country: | India |
Language: | English |
Book Pages: | 132 |
Book Size: | 8.5" x 11" |
Book Interior: |