""सत्य की खोज"" में तन, मन, आत्मा, परमात्मा यानि ""कर्ता"" और उसकी ""कृत"" के ""सामान्य-ज्ञान"" पर थोड़ी रौशनी डाली गयी है जिसे हासिल करके हम सब को बिना एक पल गवाए अपने अंदर से केवल ""इंसानियत"" को पैदा करना है, ""इक"" होना है ताकि हमारा इस जीवन में आना सार्थक हो जाए।

Satya Ki Khoj Volume - 2
In "The Search for Truth" some light has been thrown on the "general-knowledge" of body, mind, soul, God i.e. "doer" and its "Kritt" by achieving which we all can achieve without a single We have to create ""humanity"" from within ourselves, to become "one" so that our coming into this life becomes
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Minimum Purchase: ₹1,600
Format: | Paperback |
ISBN No. | 9789395773492 |
Publication date: | 27 Aug 2023 |
Publisher: | Rigi Publication |
Publication City/Country: | India |
Language: | Hindi |
Book Pages: | 346 |
Book Size: | 6" x 9" |
Book Interior: |