The Adventures Beyond Existence by Shreyan Laha takes readers on a thrilling journey through the mystical realm of Saptraj, a kingdom of restless spirits. The protagonist, Shlok, finds himself heartbroken and trapped in this ethereal empire, where every soul’s last stop is decided. Desperate to escape and return to the mortal world, Shlok embarks on a perilous mission—he must eradicate the kingdom to break free. Guided by Roshni, the former queen of Saptraj, Shlok confronts the unknown, where every challenge and twist questions his courage, spirit, and resilience. With an intricate blend of mystery, adventure, and supernatural elements, the book presents a tale of self-discovery and bravery beyond the physical realm.
The Adventures Beyond Existence
Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction, Supernatural, Action and Adventure,
The Adventures Beyond Existence by Shreyan Laha takes readers on a thrilling journey through the mystical realm of Saptraj, a kingdom of restless spirits. The protagonist, Shlok, finds himself heartbroken and trapped in this ethereal empire, where every soul’s last stop is decided. Desperate to escape and return to the mortal world, Shlok embarks on a perilous mission—he must eradicate the kingdom to break free. Guided by Roshni, the former queen of Saptraj, Shlok confronts the unknown, where every challenge and twist questions his courage, spirit, and resilience. With an intricate blend of mystery, adventure, and supernatural elements, the book presents a tale of self-discovery and bravery beyond the physical realm.
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Minimum Purchase: ₹1,600
Format: | Paperback , Ebook |
ISBN No. | 9788192131177 |
Publication date: | 31 Oct 2013 |
Publisher: | Rigi Publication |
Publication City/Country: | India |
Language: | English |
Book Pages: | 192 |
Book Size: | 5.5" x 8.5" |
Book Interior: | Black & white interior with white paper (Premium Quality) |
Shreyan Laha is an Indian author known for crafting unique and riveting stories that delve into human emotions and supernatural worlds. He has earned a reputation for blending suspense, adventure, and philosophical insights into engaging narratives. Shreyan holds a degree in Political Science and International Relations, but his passion for storytelling transcends academics. The Adventures Beyond Existence is his latest work, combining fantasy and spiritual exploration, reflecting his imaginative prowess and ability to create immersive experiences for his readers. With multiple successful books to his credit, Shreyan continues to captivate readers with his thought-provoking and thrilling tales.