This book is a collection of the haunting and painful stories of gender based issues that have crept into the society and morally corrupt our souls. The book covers a wide range of stories that deal with domestic violence, female feticide, war crimes cyber bullying in different parts of the world. Although the book deals with the fictitious characters but one can relate the stories with their own lives. The main aim of the book is to create awareness among the people about how women face crime in different forms and at various stages of life. The book will certainly create awareness about some basic laws that women need to have knowledge about and be careful while dealing with others
Tearful Pages
Social Issue, Economy, Media, Environment & Corporate, Literature, Literature and Fiction, Women,
This book is a collection of the haunting and painful stories of gender based issues that have crept into the society and morally corrupt our souls. The book covers a wide range of stories that deal with domestic violence, female feticide, war crimes cyber bullying in different parts of the world. Although the book deals with the fictitious characters but one can relate the stories with their own lives. The main aim of the book is to create awareness among the people about how women face crime in different forms and at various stages of life. The book will certainly create awareness about some basic laws that women need to have knowledge about and be careful while dealing with others
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Minimum Purchase: ₹1,340
Format: | Paperback , Ebook |
ISBN No. | 9789384314781 |
Publication date: | 22 Nov 2016 |
Publisher: | Rigi Publication |
Publication City/Country: | India |
Language: | English |
Book Pages: | 108 |
Book Size: | 5.5" x 8.5" |
Book Interior: | Black & white interior with white paper |
The author is a columnist basically from Kashmir and is settled in Punjab. She works as a freelance columnist for two local Kashmir based newspapers. She has written more than 100 articles for various domestic and national dailies the articles cover a wide range of topics including women empowerment and current issues. She has done her MBA in finance and HR and is currently working as an assistant professor in CGC Landran Mohali.