Blessed and reviewed by Hanshi Shihan Hussaini 9th DAN - Red Belt, President, Isshinryu India, this book "Ultimately I broke the Tiles!" is a real-life experience of the challenges encountered by the author during the pursuit of his Isshinryu Karate trainings which he feels is strengthening him to withstand the Tests of Time in life ahead. Written in an autobiographical narrative framework Arul Srivastva delivers some fundamental information about the martial art that he acquired and shares his knowledge, experience and deeper understanding of Isshinryu Karate till the endowment of the Purple Belt which he was awarded in December 2017. The aim of this book is to inspire learners to appreciate Isshinryu Karate by introducing the basic terms, protocols and history of this martial art along with the essence of inheriting the skill with due reverence to the Founder Master and the spirituality behind this fighting style.
About The Author:
Arul Srivastva is 1st DAN Black Belt - a vowed member of International Isshinryu Karate and a 10 year old multi-talented student of VanaVani (Mat.) Hr. Sec. School, IIT Campus, Chennai, India pursuing his Isshinryu Karate course at Yuki India Martial Arts, Chennai under the guidance of Instructor Taashi Veeramani, 6th DAN Black Belt. Arul has won several awards in the State and National level Karate Tournaments. He is keen in learning the advanced drills of the martial art for reasons much beyond only combat.