Consumer Behaviour and Decisions, is a book which will help students understand the behaviour of consumers and the decisions they take before buying, during buying and after buying of products. Students who wish to enter in the field of Business Management, be it being a marketing manager or an entrepreneur, will definitely need to know about their target consumers before going ahead with making products for them. This book will help them to understand important aspects related to their target consumers and will help them have a great consumer base, thus making them great businessmen. The book has thrown light on consumer life style and consumption patterns besides general topics like consumer motivation, consumer personality, consumer perception, consumer research, attitude, innovation, diffusion process and social class. Students have also been made aware of sustainable development. It is the duty of marketers to make products and provide services which are in accordance with sustainable development. Consumers should also monitor their consumption patterns, behaviour and decisions while making purchases which may help us to achieve the sustainable development goals as set up by UN-GA.

Consumer Behaviour And Decisions
Consumer Behaviour and Decisions, Consumer Behaviour, Consumer Decisions, business book, business management
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Minimum Purchase: ₹999
Format: | Paperback |
ISBN No. | 9789391041298 |
Publication date: | 06 Oct 2022 |
Publisher: | Rigi Publication |
Publication City/Country: | India |
Language: | English |
Book Pages: | 276 |
Book Size: | 6" x 9" |
Book Interior: |