Some memories never die. They echo through the tunnels of time like the forgotten childhood rhymes. In this unknown journey so many unknown and unfamiliar person came into my life and made my life worth living. Some just stayed in my heart for ever. These memories became a colourful rainbow in the Sky of reminiscence. And these reminiscence took the shape of this book as I believe everyone is a volume if you know how to read .

Ladies Hostel
ladies hostel, girls hostel, womens hostel, working womens hostel, ladies hostel, girls hostel, womens hostel, working womens hostel, BOOK LADIES HOSTEL, BEST SELLER BOOK LADIES HOSTEL BY GITA IYER, RIGI PUBLICATION BOOK
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Minimum Purchase: ₹999
Format: | Paperback |
ISBN No. | 9789384314668 |
Publication date: | 06 Feb 2016 |
Publisher: | Rigi Publication |
Publication City/Country: | India |
Language: | English |
Book Pages: | 112 |
Book Size: | 5.5" x 8.5" |
Book Interior: |